Whatever the nature of your business, a sole trader, partnership or limited company, it is a legal requirement to complete a Tax Return to declare your income to HM Revenue & Customs and inform them of how much tax may be due.

Failing to submit returns on time can incur unnecessary penalties & interest charges and preparing for them can be a very stressful period for all business owners. For this reason, it is very important to keep on top of things regularly and we at Balaji Accountancy Services, are ready to take this stress away from day one. Being prepared in advance will let you know how much tax is owed to the HMRC and it will help you prepare for their payment.

Our VAT services include VAT registration, cross-checking the VAT returns you have prepared, preparing your VAT returns, VAT control and reconciliation. We are also able to advise on day-to-day VAT issues and on the implications of business transactions.

So let the professionals at Balaji Accountancy Services lead the way and we will make sure you will stay compliant with VAT regulations and only pay the tax you owe.

So don’t wait and pick up the phone or send us an email!